4th Saturdays (All year) - check their website for any updates
Set up starts at 7:00 am (Chicago time) 8:00 am (Michigan time)
Match starts at 8:30 am (Chicago time) 9:30 (Michigan time) (or as soon as setup has been completed)
Changes to the starting times for the winter months will be posted on the website. If it should become necessary to cancel a match for any reason, notice will be posted on the website on Friday evening.
Pistol Caliber Carbine is NOT allowed
Dan Finnegan (dfinnegan6611@gmail.com) (708-363-1763)
Facilities include 6 shooting bays available for the matches.
Monthly matches normally consist of 6 to 7 courses of fire with a round count of 85 to 100 rounds
We have various props for use in the matches including the only permanent mover in the area, charging target, swingers, drop turners, poppers, clam shells, and drop outs which add to the variety of our matches. The result is a challenging match that will test the skills of the experience shooter but one that can also be enjoyed by people of all levels of experience.
New shooters are always welcome.
In addition to the monthly matches, the club holds periodic back up gun, classifier, tactical shotgun, and 3-gun matches.